[Lazarus] PScanner tkComment token type

Frederic Da Vitoria davitofrg at gmail.com
Fri Nov 21 09:49:55 CET 2014

2014-11-21 0:58 GMT+01:00 Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>:

> On Fri, 21 Nov 2014 00:24:11 +0100
> Frederic Da Vitoria <davitofrg at gmail.com> wrote:
> >[...]
> > > Note: In FPC default $mode FPC and Lazarus default $mode ObjFPC nested
> > > comments are allowed. It is not allowed in $mode Delphi.
> > >
> >
> > Ah, the fourth way I wrote about :-) Yes, I could try this. but I am a
> bit
> > anxious at the idea of switching mode now. Couldn't there be code which
> > would still compile but with different results, thus creating unexpected
> > bugs?
> I guess yes. Although it is unlikely, because mode ObjFPC is
> usually more strict than mode Delphi.
> > Oh well, I could try. I have enough test cases to be reasonably sure.
> >
> > So I am less anxious to change something in the scanner, but wouldn't
> > something like what I suggested still be an improvement?
> I'm not familiar with the fpprofiler code, so I can't help you here.

Thanks for trying :-) I thought that PScanner was outside of fpprofiler,
but I just saw that it is actually part of fpprofiler, so I should feel
free to implement the modifications I want, provided of course that I don't
lose any functionality.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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