[Lazarus] Error messages: cannot versus can't

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Fri Oct 17 12:28:38 CEST 2014

Il 17/10/2014 12:16, Mattias Gaertner ha scritto:
> On Fri, 17 Oct 2014 11:58:21 +0200
> Reinier Olislagers <reinierolislagers at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dealing with error messages, I remember reading somewhere that
>> contractions like cannot=>can't are discouraged, so e.g.
>> Can't find file bla.txt.
>> should become
>> Cannot find file bla.txt
>> Have other people seen this? I'd appreciate links to relevant info.
> Googling gives lot of pages saying that cannot is more formal than
> can't. And MS Word prefers cannot over can not.
> This means: It depends on the target audience of your application.

As we can't (;-) ) determine with precision our audience, I'd stick to 
the shorter form.

Just my 2c


Giuliano Colla

Project planning question: when it's 90% done, are we halfway or not yet?

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