[Lazarus] Error messages: cannot versus can't

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 15:49:48 CEST 2014

El 17/10/2014 a las 14:05, Reinier Olislagers escribió:

> On 17/10/2014 13:48, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
>> they've taken into account that a lot of
>> developers and users have by now learnt acceptable Technical English
>> from mailing lists.
> While I agree with that statement, there's probably many more who
> haven't progressed very far. See some forum posts... and probably quite
> a lot of forum posts that were never written because of lack of
> proficiency in written English.
> As always - lacking real world test data - it remains a subjective topic...


I am spanish so my English is what here is called "average" where in 
fact it is "low level" (spanish people usually thinks their English is 
far better than it really is).

My "low level" does not have any problem with "can't", "don't", "I'm" 
and some other basic contractions but things like "ain't", "'ll" or the 
"'s" which can be replaced by "is" or "has" forces us to stop reading 
and think in the context in order to catch the real meaning.

So from my point of view basic contractions are OK, but others should be 
avoided as much as possible. For us (non native) is much easy to write 
something wrong using contractions.


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