[Lazarus] TProcess.Input hangs

Andrew Haines andrewd207 at aol.com
Sat Oct 18 01:54:36 CEST 2014

On 10/17/14 11:46, "Leonardo M. Ramé" wrote:
> Hi, I'm using this code to convert WAV files to MP3 on the fly, using
> lame. It was working great until today.
> It looks like this code has problems with large files sent to stdin.
> lProcess := TProcess.Create(nil);
> lProcess.Executable := '/usr/bin/lame';
> lProcess.Parameters.Add('-');  // stdin
> lProcess.Parameters.Add('-');  // stdout
> lProcess.Options := [poUsePipes];
> lProcess.Execute;
> lWav.LoadFromFile('/home/leonardo/16310.wav');
> lWav.Position:= 0;
> lWav.SaveToStream(lProcess.Input); // <--  here hangs
> lProcess.CloseInput;
> I also tried using this:
>   repeat
>     lReadCount := lProcess.Input.Write(lWav.Memory^, 500);
>     if lReadCount < 500 then
>       lReadCount := 0;
>   until lReadCount = 0;
> But also hangs before lReadCount < 500.
> Any hint?

You are writing to stdin while the process is generating data to stdout.
If you don't empty stdout and stderr the process will hang.

There's lots of info here:

You need something like

while lProcess.Running or (lProcess.StdOut.NumBytesAvailable > 0) do
  while lProcess.StdOut.NumBytesAvailable > 0 do
    lReadCount := lProcess.StdOut.Read(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer);
    if lReadCount > 0 then
      // do something with encoded data

  // also you need to keep lProcess.StdErr empty or it can hang if it
gets full.
  while lProcess.StdErr.NumBytesAvailable > 0 do
    lReadCount := lProcess.StdErr.Read(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer);
    if lReadCount > 0 then
      // do something with Stderr data

   // now write data to be encoded.
   lReadCount := lWav.Read(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer));
   lProcess.Input.Write(Buffer, lReadCount);


Andrew Haines

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