[Lazarus] Find dialog too tight for translations

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Thu Oct 23 17:21:49 CEST 2014

Il 23/10/2014 14:49, Mattias Gaertner ha scritto:

>> In English it's already a bit crowded:
>> http://www.bononiadocta.it/Lazarus/Finddialog.en.png
> I changed the layout a bit so that the options do not overlap anymore. The
> buttons are now autosized.
Thanks a lot.
>> [...]
>> The source containing the form is FindDlgUnit in /lcl/forms (which is
>> part of the LCLBase package), while the .lrs is loaded by the Dialogs
>> unit (also part of the same package).
> There is no lrs file anymore. What version are you using?

The trunk version, and I took for good the comments I found there.
However, for my information, what should I have done to make it accept 
my correction?
Apparently recompiling the LCLBase Package, with just FindDialogUnit 
modified wasn't enough.


Giuliano Colla

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