[Lazarus] white popup hint box

waldo kitty wkitty42 at windstream.net
Tue Sep 16 00:12:09 CEST 2014

On 9/15/2014 4:55 PM, Rik van Kekem wrote:
> On 15-09-2014 22:09, Juha Manninen wrote:
>> Right, Waldo's screenshot does not have a border, it only has a shadow.
>> In my Windows 7 there is both a border and a shadow.
> Now i see what you mean !!
> But for this to work you need the package turbopoweriprodsgn.lpk installed. And
> this is not done with a default installation.
> I just added turbopoweriprodsgn.lpk, rebuild lazarus and i now do get a greyish
> border completely around the window.

well eff me!! (see attachment) i would never have thought of adding that 
package... it actually was not installed in this lazarus although i have had it 
installed in the past... i guess i left it out the last time i reinstalled 
because i hadn't seen any benefit and simply hadn't gotten to it on my TODO list 
to see what it could offer me...

> Solved.... (but of course it should be default and i guess the other/default
> hint-rendering leaves something to be desired.)

yeah, i don't do bigide as was mentioned in the juha's previous message... i 
build from trunk in the repository using the following in my build script...

make OPT="-gl -gh -dHEAPTRC_WINDOW" lazbuild lcl basecomponents starter 
bigidecomponents lhelp
lazbuild.exe --build-ide="-gl -gh -dHEAPTRC_WINDOW" --build-mode="debug ide"

generally speaking, my miscellaneousoptions.xml is used but my script has the 
ability of disabling it by renaming it so it isn't found... in this case, it is 
used and i don't recall the testing that was being done before where i needed to 
be able to disable miscellaneousoptions.xml... probably when trying to work with 
one of the docking manager things which i don't use any more for various reasons...

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