[Lazarus] TAChart CandleStick Chart

"Leonardo M. Ramé" l.rame at griensu.com
Wed Sep 17 14:57:34 CEST 2014

El 16/09/14 a las 16:09, Werner Pamler escibió:
> In r46244 the TOpenHighLowCloseSeries has a new property "Mode":
> selection "mOHLC" does the standard painting as before while
> "mChandleStick" paints the candlesticks that you requested. Since your
> code was mostly a copy of existing code I decided to stick to the old
> series type, but just add the painting modes. There are also properties
> "CandleStickUpBrush", "CandleStickDownBrush" and "CandleStickLinePen" to
> control painting of the up and down bars and the border and shadow line.
> I also added a little demo "financial" to the "demo" folder of the
> TAChart installation which demonstrates both modes. It would be nice if
> you could have a look if everything is fine - I'm not an expert in
> financial charts.
> I also fixed the bug which ignored the true minimum of the data -
> therefore, it is no longer necessary to calculate the minimum by
> yourself, just have a look at the code in the demo project. And,
> finally, I modified the AddXOHLC method such that it automatically
> initializes the size of the YCount of the chart source if the current
> size would not be enough.

Great!, I'll take a look later today.

Leonardo M. Ramé
Medical IT - Griensu S.A.
Av. Colón 636 - Piso 8 Of. A
X5000EPT -- Córdoba
Tel.: +54(351)4246924 +54(351)4247788 +54(351)4247979 int. 19
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