[Lazarus] Codetools vs compiler

patspiper patspiper at gmail.com
Sat Sep 20 16:11:56 CEST 2014

On 20/09/14 16:29, patspiper wrote:
> On 20/09/14 15:44, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 13:42:44 +0300
>> patspiper <patspiper at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> While trying to fix bug http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=26651
>>> (for WinCE), the compiler complained with:
>>> Identifier not found "GetProcessAffinityMask" (in utf8process.pp).
>>> However, codetools' find declaration locates the function in
>>> fpc/rtl/win/wininc/redef.inc.
>> included in fpc 2.6.4 by
>> rtl/wince/wince/windows.pp
>> which looks right to me.
> Right!
>>> Where's the catch?
>>> Note: GetProcessAffinityMask is defined as well in
>>> fpc/rtl/win/wininc/func.inc (inc file is used for Win32/64 but not for
>>> WinCE).
>> They differ by the type of hProcess: THandle vs HANDLE. Maybe there is
>> a difference on WinCE?
> GetProcessAffinityMask expects a THAndle as 1st parameter. 
> GetCurrentProcess's result is a HANDLE.
> For WinCE, using codetools' find declaration:
> fpc/rtl/win/wininc/redef.inc: THANDLE = HANDLE
> fpc/rtl/win/wininc/base.inc: HANDLE = System.THandle
> fpc/rtl/win/sysosh.inc: THandle = DWord
> So they are essentially the same.
> Nevetheless, I tried to cast the 1st parameter to a THandle in the 
> call to GetProcessAffinityMask, but the problem persists.
> That seems to be a tough nut to crack.
> Stephano

I just realised that the identifier is completely not recognised, ie it 
is not an issue of mismatched parameters. I noted as well the use of 
compiler directives such as {$IF defined(windows)} instead of {$IFDEF 
WINDOWS} in lazarus/components/lazutils/utf8process.pp. Could this be 
the cause?


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