[Lazarus] GetWindowSize misleading documentation or bug?
zeljko at holobit.net
Sat Sep 27 16:54:09 CEST 2014
On 09/27/2014 04:01 PM, Luca Olivetti wrote:
> El 27/09/14 14:32, zeljko ha escrit:
>> On 09/27/2014 12:26 PM, Luca Olivetti wrote:
>>> El 27/09/14 12:23, Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
>>>> El 27/09/14 12:09, Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
>>>>> I'm puzzled: with a test program I see no difference in the size in
>>>>> both
>>>>> cases (right after showing the form and after pressing the button)
>>>>> *and*
>>>>> the size is the right one (in FormShow is always 1,1 btw).
>>>>> I must be doing something else wrong (though the tiling is the correct
>>>>> on under windows, mmmh..).
>>>> Found it, nothing wrong on my part: the test program used an auto
>>>> created form, the real application creates the form at run time *and*
>>>> right after creating the form, after the show GetWindowRect only returns
>>>> the client size. I have to introduce a delay for it to return the whole
>>>> window's size (and even then, from time to time, it only returns the
>>>> client size), so you were correct and this is insane.
>>> And, for the record, with qt it's the same (only it seems the delay have
>>> to be bigger).
>> Under X11 nobody knows exact window size (except client size setted up
>> by LCL or widgetset) until window is decorated by wm (read mapped -
>> shown on screen). See
>> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/application-windows.html#x11-peculiarities
> Yes, I understand, the "insanity" I referred to was about the underlying
> environment, not Lazarus.
> Anyway, I tried with this snipped of code to measure the decoration
> procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
> var f:TForm;
> i:integer;
> wr: TRect;
> h: Integer;
> w: Integer;
> begin
> f:=TForm.Create(nil);
> f.top:=10000;
> f.left:=10000;
> f.width:=100;
> f.height:=100;
> f.show;
> i:=0;
> while true do
> begin
> Application.ProcessMessages;
> GetWindowRect(f.Handle,wr);
> h:=wr.bottom-wr.top;
> w:=wr.Right-wr.left;
> if (w<>f.width) and (h<>f.height) then
> break;
> i:=i+1;
> if i>1000 then
> break;
> end;
> Label1.Caption:=format('%d w:%d h:%d',[i,w-f.width,h-f.height]);
> f.free;
> end;
> The f.top and f.left assignment was a (futile) attempt to avoid flashing
> the form on screen.
> With gtk2 2 I consistently get the result at the first iteration (i=0),
> while with qt it takes at least 2 cycles, on occasions i counted up to 20.
> Just FYI.
I know about it. It's explained at the mentioned link, also gtk2lcl puts
size events in queue and process it via Application.ProcessMessages, qt
provides such event when it's ready.
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