[Lazarus] Pochecker (was Fuzzy traslations ignored)

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Mon Sep 29 23:19:30 CEST 2014

Il 29/09/2014 22:40, Bart ha scritto:
> On 9/29/14, Giuliano Colla <giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it> wrote:
>> Please find here enclosed my proposed patch for Pochecker.
> Committed (edited version) in 3 batches.
> I did not check the IDE integration myself.
I'll test IDE integration and let you know.
> I noticed you uses MousUp for opening, this means you cannot click on
> an item without being prompted for opening.
> Wouldn't it be more logical to use DoubleClick (ore select by mouse
> and have a button on the form)?

The problem is that:

1) the OnItemSelected, which would have been the logical choice, doesn't 
appear to work (for the vsIcon mode) with some popular widgetsets (I 
don't remember which ones, but a couple among gtk2, win32 and Qt)

2) OnClick and OnDoubleClick do not provide you neither the ListView 
Item nor the mouse position: you know only that the full window has been 
clicked somewhere. Therefore one is forced to use an event which 
provides mouse position. The choice is then between MouseDown and 
MouseUp. I picked up MouseUp because it simulates the behavior of 
OnClick (which is actually triggered when mouse is released.

I've been fighting with ListView when working on editortoolbar and I 
learned that it's a sort of wild beast, which nobody has succeeded in 
taming up to now. It almost never does what's expected to do.
That's why I had tried to avoid it. Code for positioning widdegts on a 
window is a child's play, with respect with events which do not occur, 
or which occur in reverse order, or things like that...


Giuliano Colla

Project planning question: when it's 90% done, are we halfway or not yet?

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