[Lazarus] Problem in the debugger?

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue Sep 30 11:15:26 CEST 2014

On 30/09/2014 03:13, Xiangrong Fang wrote:
> Hi All,
> While I hover mouse over a variable during debugging, I often get 
> popups shown as attached.
> Is there any known problem of the debugger, or I have to do some 
> setup/tweak?

What is your FPC Version? (Lazarus version too?)

Did you compile with stabs or dwarf (and if that is in a package, did 
the package have the same setting as the project?). Try either one.

Is this only in the first line of a procedure? Will it work if you step 
a line into the procedure? Try compiling with all optimization off -O- 
(make sure there is no -O in any hidden config / check the compiler 
output, and fpc.cfg)

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