[Lazarus] Pochecker (was Fuzzy traslations ignored)

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Tue Sep 30 11:42:23 CEST 2014

Il 29/09/2014 22:46, Maxim Ganetsky ha scritto:
> 29.09.2014 22:08, Giuliano Colla пишет:
> [snip]
>> I believe that there's a simple way to go in the right direction.
>> Pochecker (when integrated in the IDE) is being added the capability of
>> opening a po file in the IDE editor.
>> The syntax highlighter for po files is already there.
>> Adding to the IDE editor some smarter po-file editing capabilities can
>> be done without a big effort, following the guidelines of the HTML
>> editor provided by the weblaz package, and perhaps implementing a
>> minimal codetool-like unit for po syntax (which is rather simple).
> Do you really want to reimlement PoEdit or Lokalize in Lazarus (e.g. 
> implement translation memory, dictionaries support etc.)? What for? I 
> think it is better to just open external editor which is associated 
> with PO files (e.g. PoEdit or Lokalize).

No, I never thought of reinventing the wheel. I was just thinking to 
provide the minimum required for translation maintenance, which, given 
the amount of small changes to resource strings (lower/upper case 
changes, an & added or moved or removed for kb shortcuts, punctuation 
changes etc.), is IMHO a relevant part of translation activity.
Opening a real full fledged po-editor is another option for more 
important editing. See Bart's answer on this subject.

>> This could end in a smooth cycle: check, edit, check again, but even now
>> it's already usable: after all translations are performed by developers.
> In many cases translators are not developers and have difficulties 
> with programming.
I'll keep it in mind. Thanks.


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