[Lazarus] Cannot bulid Lazarus Qt
Vojtěch Čihák
vojtech.cihak at atlas.cz
Wed Apr 8 13:41:46 CEST 2015
Hi, I got strange problem I didn't see ever before.
I cannot build Lazarus for Qt. It always falls to GTk2.
I got set "Qt" in Configure Build Lazarus Dialog and Build with Clean All option.
I also tried to buid from console: make clean all useride LCL_PLATFORM=qt
but no luck.
Linux 64-bit, FPC 3.1.1 (r.30494)
Qt 4.8.6
Lazarus 1.5 r48562:48630M FPC 3.1.1 x86_64-linux-gtk 2
(Last workig Qt build was Lazarus 1.5 r48530M FPC 3.1.1 30069 x86_64-linux-qt)
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