[Lazarus] fpGUI Toolkit v1.4 release
Graeme Geldenhuys
mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Thu Apr 9 10:02:51 CEST 2015
fpGUI v1.4 is available
I'm glad to announce the 1.4 release of fpGUI. This has been 8 months in
development. There are lots of new features, stability updates and bug
fixes. For a complete list of changes you can run the following:
For more details, run any of the following commands:
git log --oneline v1.2..v1.4 (console viewer)
gitk v1.2..v1.4 (gui viewer)
An archived source download of fpGUI, and pre-built binaries for
DocView (fpGUI's Documentation Viewer) can be found at the following
....or clone the source code repository by using any of the following
from SourceForge:
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/fpgui/code fpgui
from GitHub:
git clone git://github.com/graemeg/fpGUI.git
The 'master' branch contains the latest released fpGUI (v1.4), and the
'develop' branch contains the latest development work on fpGUI.
Pre-built documentation in the highly optimized INF file format
(for use with DocView) is available for download. A single archive of
around 2MB in size. The documentation archive contains the following
help files:
- Class documentation for fpGUI Toolkit
- The Free Pascal Language Reference
- FPC Runtime Library (rtl) help
- FPC Free Component Library (fcl) help
The download URL is:
An HTML archive is also supplied as a separate download, and HTML help
can also be viewed online at the usual URL:
If you want integrated help in your IDE or Programmer Editor of
choice, the following URL describes how to do it:
For more details, please visit the fpGUI home page:
- Graeme -
fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal
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