[Lazarus] External SIGSEGV when trying to use data module components

brian brian at meadows.pair.com
Sat Apr 11 18:50:55 CEST 2015

On Sat, 11 Apr 2015 18:01:13 +0200, Luca Olivetti wrote:

>El 11/04/15 a les 17:48, brian ha escrit:
>> My problem is a simple one to describe - the program compiles
>> correctly, but the moment I try to do anything with the objects in the
>> data module, I get an immediate 'external SIGSEGV'. When I say do
>> anything with them, this is as simple as adding a line of SQL to a
>> query. 
>Check in project options, forms that the datamodule is in the "auto
>create forms".

Yes, that's there. 

>Also, if you're trying to use the datamodule in the OnCreate event
>handler of the main form, that's going to cause a sigsev since the
>datamodule hasn't been created yet. Use OnShow instead.

I've got a tabbed notebook on the main form, and the database stuff is
in the OnShow of one of the tabs. 

Thanks for the ideas, 


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