[Lazarus] Error buiding Lazarus

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Aug 3 15:54:37 CEST 2015

On Mon, 03 Aug 2015 15:25:24 +0200
"Santiago A." <svaa at ciberpiula.net> wrote:

> I have upgraded Lazarus in my Linux mint from 12.6 to 1.4.2, (the deb
> package from sourceforge).
> When I start Lazarus I get a message with two buttons:

How do you start Lazarus?
Maybe you are starting an old binary?

> "Start my custom" or "start system default".
> Well, I had just one version of Lazarus. I suppose that the custom
> version is because a I had compiled the IDE to add some packages.

That is your custom version.
Since you installed a newer version as 'system default', the system
default is newer. In that case the "startlazarus" asks which one to

> If I click "my custom" I get something like "Downgrade configuration..."
> well, a little scaring, I don't want to downgrade anything, I want to
> upgrade, so I abort.


> I try the other option. I click "start system default". Ok it starts
> fine. Now I try to build Lazarus from IDE (clean + build) and after
> compiling a lot I get the following error
> cmdlinedebugger.pp(161,31) Fatal: Can't find unit CmdLineDebugger used
> by LazDebuggerGdbmi
> Can't find file "/usr/share/lazarus/1.4.2/ide/cmdlinedebugger.pp".
> Any idea?

Check that the IDE is using the correct Lazarus directory (Tools /
Options / Environment / Files / Lazarus source directory). It should be

If this does not help:
Close the IDE, delete ~/lazarus/bin, start IDE, build normally (you
don't need "clean").

By default /usr/share/lazarus/1.4.2 should be readonly for users
and only root can write. This is debian policy. Don't change that
unless you have a special case.


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