[Lazarus] How to add & change application EnvironmentList ?

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Thu Aug 27 17:06:42 CEST 2015

No need to "LoadLibrary" But I'll try your way too :) My way and 
firebird do this when install firebird. Add "export" command to default 
bash script, (I forget it name now.) I'm using zsh for this, in user 
home folder "~/.zshrc"
this example for osx
export FIREBIRD_HOME=/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Resources

after this just need library name. For embeded, need two variables
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/where to libfbembed library's folder
export FIREBIRD=/where to libfbembed library's folder

after then just need "libfbembed.so"
So, I'm looking for, how to run export command in current process, then 
can I use fbembed. I'll try your way maybe not need to export path.

On 27.08.2015 17:47, Petr Hložek wrote:
> I used Firebird a few years ago, I'm not sure what could be wrong. How 
> do you inicialize Firebird? I had to load libraries manually with 
> something like this:
>   LoadLibrary(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 
> 'lib/libstdc++.so.5.0.7');
>   LoadLibrary(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 
> 'lib/libicudata.so.30.0');
>   LoadLibrary(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 
> 'lib/libicuuc.so.30.0');
>   LoadLibrary(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 
> 'lib/libicui18n.so.30.0');
>   DataBase.DatabaseName := fDataDir + 'cqrlog.fdb';
>   DataBase.UserName := 'SYSDBA';
>   DataBase.PassWord := 'masterkey';
>   DataBase.LibraryName  := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 
> 'lib/libfbembed.so.2.1.1';
> but I used UIB components. Also had to do some changes to 
> firebird.conf. I'm sorry, don't remeber details :(.

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