[Lazarus] Error: OOPS, I lost your class.

Donald Ziesig donald at ziesig.org
Tue Dec 8 19:39:54 CET 2015

Hi Everyone!

I am using Lazarus 1.5 on a Raspberry Pi B 2 and I just encountered an 
error I have never seen before while editing.

I am creating a new generic class as in:

   generic TMyClass<T> = class(TMyBaseClass)
         constructor Create( AParent : TMyBaseClass = nil);
         destructor  Destroy; override;

When I hit <ctrl-shift-C> for auto complete, I get the message "Error:  
OOPS, I lost your class" and the implementation section looks like this:


{  }

constructor Create( AParent : TMyBaseClass);


destructor Destroy;
   inherited Destroy;


This is a much simplified example.  Code completion fills in the 
declarations from properties correctly, but the generated setters and 
getters also come out in the {  } with no class name either.

Am I doing something wrong?  I have been using this since IIRC Delphi 5 
and never encountered this error.  (Of course generics may have come 
later than Delphi 5,  but I have used code completion in generics well 
into the past, just can't remember when I started :-( ).

Help making this work will eliminate a lot of typing (and potential errors).


Don Ziesig

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