[Lazarus] Getting MySQL process output

Aradeonas aradeonas at operamail.com
Sat Dec 5 17:26:37 CET 2015

> Simple Loop:
  - Read from program output
  - interpret the output and
  - write to program input. That's all the "general" advice we can give.

Yea sure I do this and I have no problem with simple CMD programs.
Problem is programs like MySQL that can be run from one line command and
need reading and writing. When you run this command : '"C:\Program Files
(x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysql.exe" -u root -p'; You will get
nothing in the output, it is locked and you even cant call
NumByteAvailable but interesting is if you remove -WG param you can see
Enter password: it will write in CMD that opens with program it self
from Lazarus.

Regards, Ara

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