[Lazarus] Release Candidate 1 of Lazarus 1.6

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Wed Dec 9 16:27:56 CET 2015

On Wed, 09 Dec 2015 14:31:20 +0000
Mark Morgan Lloyd <markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk> wrote:

> Quite frankly I feel that the Lazarus version numbering is progressing 
> faster than is reasonable, and that it would be highly desirable to have 
> a "Long Term Support" v2.0.x or even 3.0.x which could be presented to 
> people outside the project as a robust version to use with FPC 3.0.x.

Do you think version is progressing too fast or do you
think it should progress faster towards 2.0?

> ! /usr/local/bin/lazarus-0.9.24+2.2.4
> ! /usr/local/bin/lazarus-0.9.26+2.2.4
> ! /usr/local/bin/lazarus-0.9.28+2.4.0
> ! /usr/local/bin/lazarus-0.9.30+2.4.4
> ! /usr/local/bin/lazarus-1.0.0+2.4.4
> ! /usr/local/bin/lazarus-1.0.0+2.6.0
> ! /usr/local/bin/lazarus-1.0.8+2.6.2
> ! /usr/local/bin/lazarus-1.0.14+2.6.4
> ! /usr/local/bin/lazarus-1.2.6+2.6.4


> ! /usr/local/bin/lazarus-1.4.2+3.0.0

1.4.2 used FPC 2.6.4.
1.6 will be the first release with FPC 3.0.

> How about a stable Lazarus v2.0.x, with as many bugs and development 
> quirks as possible worked out of it, based on FPC 3.0.x and with a 
> support commitment from both teams?

Every day some bugs are fixed. In the last two years the bug tracker had
over 8000 reports, notes and fixes.
If you want to increase the rate of bug fixing you are welcome to
At the moment we have two branches, the development and the fixes
If you want to maintain a third branch with longer life, you can
volunteer to maintain it. Note that building all release binaries and
uploading them takes some hours. If you have a build farm
you can automate a lot of things. I can help you set it up.



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