[Lazarus] Install FPC and Lazarus from source

Anthony Walter sysrpl at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 16:56:57 CET 2015

OP said: So I went to use GetLazarus version, it is good but have many bugs
because of its docking system and it will always be cropped

I just want to point out that's there exists a *method to turn off* "have
many bugs because of its docking system and it will always be cropped"

>From within Lazarus go to the "Package" menu and select "Install/Uninstall
Packages ...". Then in the left column of "Install/Uninstall Packages"
dialog, click "AnchorDockingDsgn 0.5" and click then button with the words
"Uninstall Selection". Finally click the button at the bottom wit the words
"Save and rebuild IDE". Lazarus will rebuild and after a few minutes you'll
be back to multiple window mode (the normal default).
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