[Lazarus] how to Draw Data Matrix by TLazBarcode

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 12:54:09 CET 2015

El 16/12/2015 a las 1:22, 최경식 escribió:

> Thank you for your answer. I solve this problem. I'm so so so appreciate.
> But I have one more problem. How to change Data Matrix width and Height.
> if you know any way, please share me.


Can you be more precise ? Which kind of width & height ? With StrictSize 
checked the widget size would be 1x, 2x, 3x,...,Nx to fill as much as 
possible of the print space keeping pixels exactly as expected by the 
format so no "half pixel" dots appears. Non StrictSize can be used if 
the generated image would be big enought that non expected pixels 
(lines, "half pixel") will not affect the read capability (usually 
bigger than 4x original size).


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