[Lazarus] Lazarus 1.6RC1 make bigide fails on Raspberry Pi2

Koenraad Lelong lazarus2 at de-brouwerij.be
Fri Dec 18 10:57:36 CET 2015

Op 17-12-15 om 18:17 schreef Mark Morgan Lloyd:
> Koenraad Lelong wrote:
>> Op 17-12-15 om 11:36 schreef Mark Morgan Lloyd:
>>> $ fpc -iV
>>> 3.0.0
>>> # Unpack 1.6RC1, rename directory to lazarus-1.6.0+3.0.0
>>> $ cd lazarus-1.6.0+3.0.0
>>> $ make bigide
>>> ..
>>> make[1]: Leaving directory ...
>>> lazarus-1.6.0+3.0.0/components/chmhelp/lhelp'
>>> The result runs, including on Raspbian Jessie's GTK2. The only obvious
>>> thing that I'd fault is that the lazarus binary (i.e. specifically
>>> referring to the IDE) is poor at handling --help and --version. However
>> Hi,
>> I tried what you said. Lazarus runs indeed, but can't compile a
>> existing project.
>> I get an error stating fpcres could not be found. When I run fpcres on
>> the command-line it starts and gives some output.
>> I also can't compile lazarus itself (e.g. after adding packages). I
>> also get the error that fpcres can not be found.
>> Am I missing something ?
> I know this sounds silly, but check fpcres is on the path. My experience
> it that for Lazarus it's the only program that's needed apart from fpc
> and ppcarm etc.

Like I said, when I run fpcres on the commandline, it works :
pi at raspberrypi ~ $ fpcres
fpcres - resource file converter, version 2.0 [2015/12/06], FPC 3.0.0
Host platform: Linux - arm
Copyright (c) 2008 by Giulio Bernardi.
Syntax: fpcres [options] <inputfile> [<inputfile>...] [-o <outputfile>]
pi at raspberrypi ~ $ which fpcres

I downloaded fpc from somewhere (I can't find where from at the moment) 
and installed it in a non-previleged place (/home/pi/fpc-3.0.0). Then I 
made symbolic links in /home/pi/bin and set the PATH to include 


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