[Lazarus] Lazarus Release Candidate 1 of 1.4

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Tue Feb 17 12:25:59 CET 2015

On Tue, 17 Feb 2015 12:12:55 +0100
Luca Olivetti <luca at wetron.es> wrote:

> > ERROR: Broken dependency: camviewpkg 0.0>camviewpkg 0.0
> > make: *** [useride] Error 3

It means it can't find camviewpkg.lpk.
Maybe the error message can be improved for lazbuild.

> Sorry, that was a PEBKAC (just yesterday I removed one of the packages
> to use the upstream one instead of what I cooked myself).
> Now the "make bigide" is stuck (i.e. it doesn't proceed)
> C:\lazextra\rx\tooledit.pas(109,15) Error: (3058) There is no method in
> an ances
> tor class to be overridden: "TCustomRxDateEdit.Change;"

Have you seen this:

> C:\lazextra\rx\tooledit.pas(112,15) Error: (3058) There is no method in
> an ances
> tor class to be overridden: "TCustomRxDateEdit.DoButtonClick(TObject);"
> C:\lazextra\rx\tooledit.pas(219,1) Fatal: (10026) There were 2 errors
> compiling
> module, stopping
> Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
> Error: C:\FPC\2.6.4\bin\i386-Win32\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode
> (normal
>  if you did not specify a source file to be compiled)
> Compiling package rxnew stopped with exit code 1
> (3104) Compiling C:\laz_1_4\components\jcf2\Settings\SetWordList.pas
> (3104) Compiling C:\laz_1_4\components\jcf2\Settings\SetAlign.pas
> (3104) Compiling C:\laz_1_4\components\jcf2\Settings\SetReplace.pas
> (3104) Compiling C:\laz_1_4\components\jcf2\Settings\SetUses.pas
> (3104) Compiling C:\laz_1_4\components\jcf2\Settings\SetPreProcessor.pas
> TLazPackageGraph.CompileRequiredPackages ERROR="Exit code 1"
> ERROR: BuildLazarusIDE: Compile AutoInstall Packages failed.
> I had to interrupt it with CTRL+C

It didn't stop automatically? Can you reproduce it?


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