[Lazarus] Lazarus Release Candidate 1 of 1.4

JuuS JuuS at mykolab.ch
Tue Feb 17 13:42:42 CET 2015


Totally interested in helping test RC1...but...I'm scared.

I have Lazarus 1.2.6 installed now and I would like to install RC1 to a
separate directory structure.

I've downloaded the 3 fpc/laz RC1 DEB files and am ready to go except:

I'm working in Kubuntu 14.04.

I'm new-ish with Linux, and with DEB packages before this I've simply
right clicked and allowed the system to install them. I assume this will
overwrite my existing Laz install. So how do I use the deb file such
that I consistently get the packages into a new directory structure that
will work separately from 1.2.6? using a dpkg switch?

If I get to this desired structure, I assume I will need to do the makes
manually, yes? (first time...<shiver>).

Also you said "if you install to a new location you need to use":


I've done some searching and can find no reference to this switch, I
don't even know which program (lazarus? FPC? DPKG?) would expect this

Any help, links or whatever, would be appreciated. Once I've convinced
myself that I can get the RC onto my system and it will play nicely, I
will install and test.

Thanks in advance,


On 02/16/2015 11:38 PM, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> The Lazarus team would like to announce the first release candidate for the upcoming Version 1.4.
> We would like to invite all users to test this release candidate.
> Please read below why everybody really should join the testing now.
> News in this Version
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Lazarus_1.4.0_release_notes
> On Windows the installer now allows 2 independent installations.
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Multiple_Lazarus#Installation_of_multiple_Lazarus
> About the release process:
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Lazarus_1.4_fixes_branch#Roadmap_to_1.4
> The 1.4RC1 is built with fpc 2.6.4.
> The release candidate is available for download on SourceForge:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus/files/
> Choose your CPU, OS, distro and then the "Lazarus 1.4RC1" directory.
> Minimum requirements:
> Windows:       98, 2k, XP, Vista, 7, 32 or 64bit.
>                On 64bit it is recommended to use the 32bit IDE.
>                Win98 IDE needs building with flag -dWIN9XPLATFORM.
> FreeBSD/Linux: gtk 2.8 or qt4.5, 32 or 64bit.
> Mac OS X:      10.5 to 10.10, 10.9+ without IDE debugger (gdb works),
>                LCL only 32bit, non LCL apps can be 64bit.
> == Why should everybody (including you) test the release candidate? ==
> In the past weeks the Lazarus team has stabilized the 1.4 fixes branch. The resulting 1.4RC1 is now stable enough to be used by any one for test purposes.
> However many of the fixes and new features that where committed since the release of 1.2 required changes to the code of existing features too. While we have tested those ourself, there may still be problems that only occur with very specific configurations or one project in a million.
> Yes, it may be that you are the only person with a project, that will not work in the new IDE. So if you do not test, we can not fix it.
> Please do not wait for the final release, in order to test. It may be too late. Once the release is out we will have to be more selective about which fixes can be merged for further 1.4.x releases. So it may be, that we can not merge the fix you require. And then you will miss out on all the new features.
> == How to test ==
> Download and install the 1.4RC1.
> - On Windows you can install as a 2ndary install, that will not affect your current install:
>   http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Multiple_Lazarus#Installation_of_multiple_Lazarus
> - On other platforms, if you install to a new location you need to use --primary-config-path
> In either case you should make backups. (including your primary config)
> Open your project in the current Lazarus (1.2.6), and use "Publish Project" from the project menu. This creates a clean copy of your project.
> You can then open that copy in the RC1. Please test:
> - If you can edit forms in the designer
>    - rename components / change properties in Object inspector / Add new events
>    - Add components to form / Move components on form
>    - Frames, if you use them
> - If you can navigate the source code (e.g. jump to implementation)
> - Auto completion in source code
> - Compile, debug and run
> - Anything else you use in your daily work
> Mattias
> --
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