[Lazarus] Lazarus on Debian "Wheezy"

zeljko zeljko at holobit.net
Thu Feb 19 11:06:19 CET 2015

On 02/19/2015 10:48 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
>> Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
>>> Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 18 Feb 2015 21:36:33 +0000
>>>> Mark Morgan Lloyd <markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>> Using FPC 2.6.4 or late 2.7.1, compiling trunk on Wheezy is OK but
>>>>> running gives me
>>> Trunk (as of yesterday evening), 2.6.4, export OPT='-O- -gl', make
>>> all, run with ./lazarus --sync --g-fatal-warnings.
>>> The machines here are generally Debian with KDE as a desktop, but the
>>> "Wheezy" systems are closely modelled on the older "Squeeze" ones. It
>>> appears that if I run on the machine's own display it works, but if I
>>> attempt to run Lazarus over SSH (a combination that works on all
>>> other systems around here and with numerous programs on the test
>>> systems) it fails with
>> ..
>>> Is OK over a remote X session (i.e. running in Xnest). An initial
>>> successful run to set up ~/.lazarus doesn't improve the situation
>>> over SSH but gets it to the point where lazbuild works.
>>> However I also find that a program built using Lazarus (IDE or
>>> lazbuild) fails on that system (i.e. Wheezy) in the same way as the IDE.
>> 32- and 64-bit are substantially the same. Qt works, so the problem
>> appears to be Lazarus (and Lazarus-built programs) using gtk2 over SSH
>> on Wheezy.
>> There might also be some minor Unicode display issues in Gtk2.
> Can't test gtk3, trunk fails with
> lazgtk3.pas(14777,1) Error: undefined reference to
> `gtk_widget_add_tick_callback'

Your gtk3 version is below minimum required for gtk3.


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