[Lazarus] -FcUTF8,-dEnableUTF8 create problem

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Thu Feb 19 12:38:38 CET 2015

how to test & result is:
zzz := 'DefaultSystemCodePage = ' + Inttostr(DefaultSystemCodePage) + 
LineEnding +
'DefaultUnicodeCodePage = ' + Inttostr(DefaultUnicodeCodePage) + 
LineEnding +
'DefaultFileSystemCodePage = ' + Inttostr(DefaultFileSystemCodePage) + 
LineEnding +
'DefaultRTLFileSystemCodePage = ' + 
Inttostr(DefaultRTLFileSystemCodePage) + LineEnding +
'UTF8CompareLocale =' + Inttostr(UTF8CompareLocale);

with or without -FcUTF8,-dEnableUTF8

DefaultSystemCodePage = 65001
DefaultUnicodeCodePage = 0
DefaultFileSystemCodePage = 65001
DefaultRTLFileSystemCodePage = 65001

UTF8CompareLocale =0

On 19.02.2015 13:07, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:
> May you also check the DefaultSystemCodePage value

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