[Lazarus] -FcUTF8,-dEnableUTF8 create problem

luiz americo pereira camara luizmed at oi.com.br
Sun Feb 22 17:12:59 CET 2015

2015-02-22 11:46 GMT-03:00 FreeMan <freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com>:

> I wrote before, I'm not use this code block now. I remove that code block
> to function. still not remove it, save for your tests. please let me know,
> need test etc. when you tell me you finished or cansel work on it, I'll
> remove that from my code.

For my sake, feel free to remove from your code. I really don't have a clue
what went wrong.
Anyway, if someone wants to take a look, the code can be easily
reconstructed from the info in this thread.

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