[Lazarus] CHM help age and readmechm.txt in a fresh installation

Andi friess at gmx.at
Tue Jan 20 11:37:52 CET 2015

I do a complete fresh installation  of Lazarus 
(lazarus-1.2.6-fpc-2.6.4-win32.exe) from 20.1.2015, on a complete fresh PC.
I found the chm documentation in the Lazarusinstalldir/docs/chm, but the 
files in this directory are from 24.8.2012 13:21 !!

Is this the last documentation and correct for this build ?

In the readmechm.txt file i found following
--------------------- citation start ----------------
This CHM snapshot was build on 2012-08-01 by using fpdoc from trunk to
compile the docs for fixes2_6 and the lazarusrc1 tag.

How to install the CHMs in Lazarus

- Install the chmhelp package
- Copy the chms to docs/html in the Lazarus directory.

Note that Lazarus does not load ref.* at this moment, so (CHM) help
on keywords does not work yet.

--------------------- citation end ----------------

The chm are in the rigth place, i think, why should i transfer the files 
to the docs/html directory ? Maybe the information in the file is also 


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