[Lazarus] on OSX lazarus svn NOT make
Mattias Gaertner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Tue Jan 6 14:26:37 CET 2015
On Tue, 06 Jan 2015 13:56:22 +0200
FreeMan <freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com> wrote:
> fpc svn version name 3.1.1 (in Makefile.fpc) [fpcsrc/lib/fpc/3.1.1]
> Checked out revision 47313.
> Lazarus PREFIX =/opt/lazarus/
> Lazarus CPU_TARGET =i386
> Lazarus LCL_PLATFORM =carbon
> Lazarus OPT ="-k-framework -kApplicationServices"
> make PREFIX=$laz_prefix clean all bigide CPU_TARGET=$CPU_TARGET
> Makefile:208: *** The Makefile doesn't support target i386-executed,,
> please run fpcmake first. Stop.
Maybe your CPU_TARGET is not "i386", but "i386-executed" or so.
It compiles here on OS X with 3.1.1.
BTW, "all bigide" is double work. "bigide" is enough. See "make
> 2. question, What have to install for cocoa widgetset
Simply choose the cocoa widgetset in your project. Keep in mind that it
only supports i386 yet and that it is not yet ready for the whole IDE.
For the IDE you can either use carbon or qt.
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