[Lazarus] Git Plug-in for Lazarus

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Fri Jul 3 11:37:10 CEST 2015

On 2015-07-03 09:32, Eric Kom wrote:
> Please anyone got an idea about Git Plug-in for Lazarus?

I honestly think there is no need. Do yourself a huge favour and learn
to use Git from the command line. The command line has ALL the features,
doesn't get confused about the current state of the repository and is
100% consistent across all platforms. No GUI front-end comes close. I
personally tried probably 20+ GUI front-ends and they all slowed me
down, most are not cross-platform, and don't support all Git features.
Normal day-to-day usage only requires you to know about 5 commands from
the command line - that's not too much to ask from a software developer.

But if you really must launch git via the IDE, use the External Tool
option in the IDE and launch gitk, or 'gui gui' from there.

Another alternative, is using something like Guake - it is a command
prompt window that slides into view from the top of your desktop, and
slides away when you are done. Ideal for running short or quick commands
only when needed.


  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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