[Lazarus] Adding data field to a child node in a treeview

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Sat Jul 4 10:57:28 CEST 2015

On Sat, 4 Jul 2015, Susie Nicol wrote:

> Hi - me again
> I have a Lazarus treeview, which I am populating from several sql queries.
> I add  child nodes in this way, setting them to one of the fields returned from the query
>            while Not SQLQuery1.EOF do
>           Begin
>           treeview1.items.addchild(treeview1.selected, SQLQuery1.fields[0].AsString);
>            SQLQuery1.Next
>           end;    
> That works of course.
> I want to modify the newly added node by setting its data property to another field in the loop - something like
>     treeview1.SOMETHING.data := Pointer(SQLQuery1.fields[1].AsInteger);
> but the problem is that I can't work out how to identify the newly-added child node.  Is it possible?

Not like this. You need to keep a reference when doing an AddChild:

   N : TTreeNode;

   N:=Treeview1.items.addchild(treeview1.selected, SQLQuery1.fields[0].AsString);
   N.data := Pointer(SQLQuery1.fields[1].AsInteger);


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