[Lazarus] Color thief

aradeonas aradeonas at operamail.com
Wed Jul 8 16:23:35 CEST 2015

Thank you.

I get exception when try to load from file and I could not debug in FPC
source,debugger don't go there:

> var  i: Integer;  Img: TFPCustomImage;  reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
> begin  Img := TFPCustomImage.Create(0, 0);  Reader :=
> TFPReaderJPEG.Create;  img.LoadFromFile('E:\photo1.jpg',Reader);
> img.UsePalette := True;  for i := 0 to img.Palette.Count do  begin
> with TPanel.Create(Self) do    begin      Parent := Self;      Align
> := alTop;      Color:=FPColorToTColor(img.Palette.Color[i]);    end;
> end;  end;

Also is there a class to do file loading with readers automatically like
TImage? Tlazintfimage seems not does this . yes its not hard to
implement it but as just now I find out there is many things in Lazarus
and FreePascal that I'm not aware of them!

Regards, Ara

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