[Lazarus] how to find this error?

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Mon Jun 29 11:43:24 CEST 2015

fpc r31177 lazarus r49465 qt x64 osx
my project work in osx qt64, win32 i386 qt is workas well, but in win64 
qt64 create "access violation" exception on "myform.Show;"
on form has a "TStatusBar"
I := TStatusBar.Canvas.TextWidth(TStatusBar.Panels[0].Text);
this code has create exception in win64 too.
when I wrote this message, 
http://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,27706.0.html same 
form and same my code worked, I mean my code not changed but not working 
now. I remark this line and re try run under win64, but still raise 
exception when use myForm.Show;
I can not trace this exception, I added onShow event but not trigger. 
raise exception and terminate application.
whats yours suggestion? TStatusBar bar has a bug ?? or what can be problem ?
Thank you

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