[Lazarus] Docked Form

Maciej Izak hnb.code at gmail.com
Sun Jun 14 23:54:29 CEST 2015

I answered :) please check out.

Smaller and more logical patch for Lazarus. Currently created for rev.
48023. If we decide what to do next, then I create patch for current rev.
Patch don't require Generics.Collections.


This patch is required for installing "Docked Form" system (or can be used
for any other "docked form" system) :


Each of Sparta package uses Generics.Collections (I can replace it with
fcl-stl) and BGRA Controls (I can replace it with other, more standard

I hope everything becomes clearer. Whatever we decide, I will help. :)

Best regards,
Maciej Izak
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