[Lazarus] Conflicting IDE keyboard shortcuts with OSX out-of-the-box

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Mon Jun 15 16:25:31 CEST 2015

I'm using "MacOSXApple" scheme.  QT64 fpc & lazarus svn
has a much problem for shortcut. I reported and wrote in mail list. 
Example: while designing on form, can NOT move component via "ctrl + 
arrow(s)"  I found by coincidence "cmd + ctrl + arrow(s)" work.

another bug: http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=27782

for IDE main menu shortcuts, when click to other form of lazarus, source 
editor, object inspecter etc. you can see on osx taskbar, IDe main menu 
hide, and shortcuts not work.

> Or is LCL-Qt a better option under OSX?
> Regards,
>    - Graeme -
not much different.

On 15.06.2015 16:01, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Hi,
>    Find Procedure Definition [Ctrl+Shift+Up]
>    Find Prodecure Method [Ctrl+Shift+Down]
> They conflict with standard OSX desktop shortcuts. The desktop shorcuts
> take preference.
>    Source Notebook commands/toggle breakpoint [Ctrl+P]
>    Formatting/unknown editor command [Ctrl+P]
> They conflict with each other.
> This is all after a standard install on an OSX 10.9 system that never
> had Lazarus before. I am using lazarus v1.4 release as downloaded from
> SourceForge.
> Are these considered bugs - if so I'll report them in Mantis. Or is it
> expected from the developer to find there own workable shortcuts on each
> platform, or disable standard shortcuts from the OS's desktop environment?
> Regards,
>    - Graeme -

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