[Lazarus] Embedded Firebird bundled with OSX application

Tony Whyman tony.whyman at mccallumwhyman.com
Mon Jun 22 13:34:09 CEST 2015

I would guess that this is going to be very similar to running the same 
on Linux - but with the usual different flie location/conventions.

I have written up how to do this with IBX on Linux here 

However you do it, the really key point is to use an empty username and 
password as otherwise the embedded server will try and access the 
security database - and probably fail. Otherwise, set the FIREBIRD 
environment variable to point to the firebird installation and 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to where the embedded server shared object is located 
and it may even work under OSX.



On 22/06/15 12:27, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anybody here managed to bundle the required Embedded Firebird
> libraries with an OSX application? If so, do you mind sharing your
> solution. I am very new to developing applications for OSX, and have
> been struggling with this problem for a while now.
> I have looked through the Lazarus Wiki, and found many different links
> on the internet. Many are instructions written back in the 2008-2010
> time frame, and it seems those instructions don't work any more.
> I'm using OSX 10.9.5 with FPC 2.6.4 and Lazarus 1.4 and trying to get
> this to work with Firebird 2.5.x
> Regards,
>    - Graeme -
> --
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