[Lazarus] Beyond Compare finally moved to LCL

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Sat Jun 27 12:46:25 CEST 2015

On Sat, 27 Jun 2015, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> On 2015-06-27 10:31, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>> I am strongly beginning to feel something is wrong with me...
> You are predominately a backend man. ;-)

Currently yes. But I've written numerous GUI programs in Lazarus.

>> Can you give some examples ?
> Sure...
> * Events fired in different orders depending on the widgetset
>   you use. I can't remember which components it was (I think
>   TListView), but if I really must I can find out exactly.
> * TStatusBar.Panels[].Width only works in LCL-Win32/64. Under
>   OSX and Linux they are simply ignored. I had to apply an ugly
>   "floating panel" work-around to position online/offline status
>   images on the right edge of the statusbar.
> * Button (or maybe BitButton) clipped button images under OSX,
>   but doesn't under Linux and Windows.
> * Properties exist on a component and available to all widgetsets,
>   yet is only functional for one widgetset. The developer isn't warned
>   about this in the code editor (eg: code completion popup), only in
>   the Object Inspector's Restricted tab. I don't verify every single
>   property I use via Object Inspector before I use it - I doubt others
>   do too.
> ...I could list many more if I dug deeper and thought about it a bit
> more. I didn't make notes of them all and in hindsight, I should have
> reported them all on Mantis. My bad.
> Anyway, I found these within the first day of working with a LCL
> application. Yes, they might sound trivial on their own, but add them
> up, and it is a huge time waster and annoyance for the developer having
> to find work-arounds of something that should just work.

Well, in view of the total number of components distributed with Lazarus 
this seems a rather minor set of problems (although I believe you when you 
say you'll find more if you set your mind on it). Of course, any problem is 
a huge problem if you happen to be the one stumbling on it.

In each case, such things should be reported, or else they will definitely 
not get fixed in the upcoming next 10 years either :)
In my experience, the Lazarus team does try to fix reported problems to a 
reasonable extent, when they make a new release.


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