[Lazarus] VCLJS

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Tue Jun 30 11:07:06 CEST 2015

On Tue, 30 Jun 2015, Michael Schnell wrote:

> On 06/30/2015 08:31 AM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>> There are many javascript "widgetsets" out there that can be used as "VCL 
>> for the web": React, ExtJS, Angular, Jquery UI etc.
> Any recommendation for one of those to create a server-based application 
> featuring  a web-based remote GUI that is supposed to not  very complex, but 
> "active" (i.e. sowing internal states of the server based application by a 
> kind of "reverse event".

They all operate more or less on the same principle concerning servers. 
I know none that works with websockets.

> I only know EXTJS (in the "EXTPASCAL" incarnation) to have had (at some time 
> in the past) an at least exceptionally working link top fpc/Lazarus.

We use ExtJS at work, but are switching to Angular. Neither of them can be used using FPC/Lazarus classes to generate Javascript.
(though there is Raudus, but that's not very scalable)


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