[Lazarus] lazbuild CheckIfCurPkgOutDirNeedsCompile Missing state file for

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Tue Mar 17 10:36:41 CET 2015

lazarus r48404 fpc r30250 osx qt x64

When compile my project, I get this error:

Division by zero.

Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.

Press Cancel to kill the program.

this lines from terminal, when error created:

TLazPackageGraph.CheckIfCurPkgOutDirNeedsCompile  Missing state file for 
TLazPackageGraph.CheckIfCurPkgOutDirNeedsCompile  Missing state file for 
TurboPowerIPro 1.0: 
TLazPackageGraph.CheckIfCurPkgOutDirNeedsCompile  Missing state file for 
ZVDateTimeCtrls 1.5.1: 
TLazPackageGraph.CheckIfCurPkgOutDirNeedsCompile  Missing state file for 
cffilter_laz 4.0: 
TLazPackageGraph.CheckIfCurPkgOutDirNeedsCompile  Missing state file for 
TLazPackageGraph.CheckIfCurPkgOutDirNeedsCompile  Missing state file for 
UGS_secury 2.0: 
TLazPackageGraph.CheckIfCurPkgOutDirNeedsCompile  Missing state file for 
UGS_TurtleCat 2.0.1: 
Creating gdb catchable error:
TApplication.HandleException Division by zero
   Stack trace:
2015-03-17 11:29:12.841 lazarus[92511:296713] modalSession has been 
exited prematurely - check for a reentrant call to endModalSession:
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