[Lazarus] Lazarus Qt support and Wiki

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Thu May 14 18:04:09 CEST 2015

Hi all.

In recent years the support for Qt Widgeset in Lazarus has dramatically 
improved, thanks to the efforts of Zeljan and others. My grateful thanks 
to all of them!

The result is that nowadays Qt WS is fully mature, suitable for 
production projects, and, at least for my applications and my taste, 
better than GTK2.

The only problem I see is that a lot of Wiki pages are outdated, and 
still report Qt as "experimental" and "unstable". Many features are 
reported as supported only under Win or GTK WS, while they're perfectly 
supported also by Qt.

Last example, just this morning: I used for the first time a 
TPopUpNotifier component, and I consulted the Wiki page to get some 
hints. The page states that it's supported only under Win32, GTK and 
GTK2, while it works perfectly also with Qt.

I'm afraid that such a situation can discourage a number of potential 
user from using Qt, while a wider usage would generate a better and 
deeper testing, thus helping ironing out what's left to iron out.

Is it ok if, whenever I stumble into a Wiki page which is outdated with 
respect of Qt support, I do edit it to reflect the current status of things?
Any objections?


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