[Lazarus] How are TProcess.Input and TProcess.XtermProgram used?

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Sun May 10 10:12:34 CEST 2015

On Sat, 9 May 2015, vfclists . wrote:

> How are TProcess.Input and TProcess.XtermProgram used?

The xtermprogram is used to run the actual program, if the poNewConsole option is used.

> Is it possible to test if a program is waiting for input in order to send it some input, such as keystrokes for instance?

You can send it keystrokes, but  to my knowledge there is no way to see if it is waiting for input.
There are some programs that wait for some specific output before they send input to the program.
(for instance the passwd prompt)

> Can the XTermProgram be popped up on the screen in order to view the program output and interact with it as well?

Yes, that is it's purpose.


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