[Lazarus] Fugue icons for LHelp?

Howard Page-Clark hdpc at talktalk.net
Thu May 14 01:48:03 CEST 2015

On 13/05/2015 23:38, Juha Manninen wrote:
> Please give opinions about new proposed icons for LHelp.
> See issue :
>    http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=28072
> There is a screenshot.

I'm perhaps just rather dense - but I don't find any of these icons 
enhances my use of LHelp, because I don't know what any of the icons 
means, and to me they are not self-explanatory.

Why do any of them have a "?" Does this mean that the content they mark 
is incomplete (possible, but unlikely)? Or is it just a generic marker 
for "help content" (totally pointless, if that is the case)... or does 
it signify something else entirely?

The small triangular chevron icons already indicate when a chapter is 
opened/closed. So a second icon to indicate this is redundant, if that 
is the case.

When travelling, the better maps I use include a legend somewhere to 
explain what each map symbol indicates (in case it is not clear, or not 
self-evident). To me, information of that sort is far more important 
than which colour(s) are best, a question on which there can be little 
objectivity, only a multitude of differing personal preferences.

For someone (like me) with poor eyesight, icons that are subtly 
different (e.g. a faint blue question mark as opposed to a very faint 
blue question mark) are almost indistinguishable, and rather annoying, 
since if I have to rely on identifying the right one to pick (say) the 
right line, it gives me a headache.

I wish I could be more positive, and I do genuinely welcome people's 
efforts to improve aspects of the user interface. So I'm just trying to 
offer honest feedback. Apologies if you wanted this posted on Mantis.


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