[Lazarus] Increasingly frustrated with DbGrids

Luca Olivetti luca at wetron.es
Mon Nov 2 13:02:14 CET 2015

El 02/11/15 a les 12:36, Mattias Gaertner ha escrit:
> On Mon, 2 Nov 2015 10:52:25 +0000
> Tony Whyman <tony.whyman at mccallumwhyman.com> wrote:
>> Ah, but then you can't edit it in the IDE.
> The IDE does not know about your new class.
> You need to unregister the old and register the new.

it doesn't matter: the ide uses the old class, but the unit (and the 
grid) will see the new one.
It's a hack, really, which will probably bite me in the rear somewhere 
in the future, but I have to ship the programme now :-(

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automation Technology http://www.wetron.es/
Tel. +34 93 5883004 (Ext.3010)  Fax +34 93 5883007

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