[Lazarus] Lazarus in trunk not working after Rev 50151 on MacOSX

Ondrej Pokorny lazarus at kluug.net
Tue Nov 3 20:34:30 CET 2015

On 03.11.2015 20:26, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> procedure Test;
>> >var
>> >    I: Integer;
>> >    S: SmallInt;
>> >begin
>> >    Res := I + S;
>> >end;
>> >
>> >Something like:
>> >1.)
>> >I = (Integer -> longint)
>> >S = SmallInt
>> >2.)
>> >ResultBasicType = Compare(longint, SmallInt) -> longint -> I
>> >3.)
>> >ResultType = ResultBasicType -> I ->*Integer*
> That would fail with the following example:
> var
>    i: SizeInt;
>    j: SmallInt;
> begin
>    k:=i+j;
> end;
> The result should be SizeInt, not Integer.

No, the result will be SizeInt, because (SizeInt -> LongInt) wins over 
SmallInt and the result thus will be SizeInt (as the original type alias 
of /*i*/) and not Integer.

A problem could be with such code:

   i: SizeInt;
   j: Integer;

Because obviously on 32bit SizeInt=longint and Integer=longint, so there 
won't be a deterministic way which type wins.

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