[Lazarus] Printing on Raspberry Pi

Koenraad Lelong lazarus2 at de-brouwerij.be
Thu Nov 5 11:30:13 CET 2015

Op 01-11-15 om 18:08 schreef Anthony Tekatch:
>> I'm trying to print a lazreport on a Raspberry Pi2.
>> It's not working, I get :
>> Bus Error or misaligned data access
>> Press OK to ignore ...
>> Pressing OK does nothing.
I managed to get Lazarus running on my Odroid-C1 so I can debug. When 
running the application, and trying to print it gives the error in 
LR_Prntr :

  // printer sizes
  with PaperSize.PaperRect do begin
   PPgw := PhysicalRect.Right-PhysicalRect.Left;
   Ppgh := PhysicalRect.Bottom-PhysicalRect.Top;
   POFx := WorkRect.Left;
   POFy := WorkRect.Top;
   PPw  := WorkRect.Right-WorkRect.Left; // this is the same as PageWidth
   PPh  := WorkRect.Bottom-WorkRect.Top; // this is the same as PageHeight

  // screen sizes
  Pgw := round(PPgw * kx);   <----- error, line 1042
  Pgh := round(PPgh * ky);
  Ofx := round(POfx * kx);
  Ofy := round(POfy * ky);
  Pw  := round(PPw  * kx);
  Ph  := round(PPh  * ky);

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