[Lazarus] Extending TRect breaks Lazarus

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Fri Nov 6 17:59:09 CET 2015

On Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 05:42:39PM +0100, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> > by Delphi compatibility...
> Ehm. How can "with" ever be safe ?

Btw the case that I fixed was like this

procedure TSomeForm.Getwind...

procedure setwidthheight(const r : TRect); inline;
 with R do


In such case fixing with SELF doesn't work, because self isn't allowed in
the nested function. I had to strip the WITH.

Luckily it wasn't as bad as expected, and only this one in the win32 widget

> Don't get me wrong:
> I use it abundantly. If I have QMYQueryObjectWithAVeryLongName then being able to write

Me too, but I like to qualify fieldnames with self when the they are short,
common words.

> With QMYQueryObjectWithAVeryLongName do
>    try
>      // Really nice code
>    finally
>      Close;
>    end;
> is really good (tm).
> NOT being able to use with would seriously impede on the readability of my code.
> Add this to the observation that the lazarus team demands 'clear' variable names,
> and does not like/accept i,m,f,p,q or whatever as variable names, and using "with" 
> becomes very attractive indeed...
> Michael.
> --
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