[Lazarus] Extending TRect breaks Lazarus
Anthony Walter
sysrpl at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 01:27:55 CET 2015
My solution is to define my own TRectI type which can implicitly convert
between TRectI <-> TRect. Also I use a TRectF which does the same thing,
but with floats as the dimenions ... MyRectInt := TRectI(MyRectFloat); ...
There is also TPointI and TPointF ...
{ TRectI }
TRectI = record
function GetEmpty: Boolean;
procedure SetTop(Value: Integer);
procedure SetLeft(Value: Integer);
function GetRight: Integer;
procedure SetRight(Value: Integer);
function GetBottom: Integer;
procedure SetBottom(Value: Integer);
function GetSize: TPointI;
function GetTopLeft: TPointI;
function GetBottomLeft: TPointI;
function GetBottomRight: TPointI;
function GetTopRight: TPointI;
function GetMidPoint: TPointI;
X, Y, Width, Height: Integer;
class operator Implicit(const Value: TRectI): TRect;
class operator Implicit(const Value: TRect): TRectI;
class operator Equal(const A, B: TRectI): Boolean;
class operator NotEqual(const A, B: TRectI): Boolean;
class function Create: TRectI; overload; static;
class function Create(Size: TPointI): TRectI; overload; static;
class function Create(W, H: Integer): TRectI; overload; static;
class function Create(X, Y, W, H: Integer): TRectI; overload; static;
function Equals(const Value: TRectI): Boolean;
function Contains(X, Y: Integer): Boolean; overload;
function Contains(const P: TPointI): Boolean; overload;
procedure Center(X, Y: Integer); overload;
procedure Center(const P: TPointI); overload;
procedure Inflate(X, Y: Integer); overload;
procedure Inflate(const P: TPointI); overload;
procedure Offset(X, Y: Integer); overload;
procedure Offset(const P: TPointI); overload;
property Empty: Boolean read GetEmpty;
property Left: Integer read X write SetLeft;
property Top: Integer read Y write SetTop;
property Right: Integer read GetRight write SetRight;
property Bottom: Integer read GetBottom write SetBottom;
property Size: TPointI read GetSize;
property TopLeft: TPointI read GetTopLeft;
property BottomLeft: TPointI read GetBottomLeft;
property BottomRight: TPointI read GetBottomRight;
property TopRight: TPointI read GetTopRight;
property MidPoint: TPointI read GetMidPoint;
PRectI = ^TRectI;
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