[Lazarus] TFPWriterJPEG quality

Aradeonas aradeonas at operamail.com
Wed Nov 18 10:15:46 CET 2015


Why TFPWriterJPEG default quality is set to 75? I think there isnt need
for this and if anyone want more compression he will set it.
> constructor TFPWriterJPEG.Create; begin  inherited Create;
> FQuality:=75;   end;

Also it is in TJPEGImage :
> constructor TJPEGImage.Create; begin  inherited Create;  FPerformance
> := jpBestQuality;  FProgressiveEncoding := False;  FGrayScale :=
> False;  FQuality := 75;     end;
Regards, Ara

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