[Lazarus] Fast file reading using file cache

Aradeonas aradeonas at operamail.com
Thu Nov 19 16:48:16 CET 2015

> Can you please, Please, PLEASE provide context in your mails ?

It is impossible to know what you are answering to without any quoted
text whatsoever.

That is very annoying.

Please ?

So SO sorry. It is because of my mail provider.It is fast and easy to
use and I like it so much more than Gmail or what ever but it is not
good for mail list.

As you an see I should copy and past what you said and quote that, and
it is again not clean.

Although I try to quote when I talk to ore than one and in this case I
answered just after Ondrej.

Excuse me for annoying, Ara

http://www.fastmail.com - Does exactly what it says on the tin

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